and ride with other parents and kids to get to school!
Runs every Friday morning
arriving to SHED/BH Phillips by 8:40am
Extreme weather cancels
Follow us on Twitter/Instagram for cancellation notices
No registration or signup required-- just show up and ride with us!
For now, we ask that every child be accompanied by an adult. As we work out the kinks over the next month, we'll reassess.
Heading to a different school or coming from a different direction? Reach out to us and we’ll try to get another bus started! It's as simple as finding a few parents to act as "bus drivers". We'll help with all the rest.
What's A Bike Bus??

Bus Stops
Bus will not leave these stops before the posted time, but may run late. Feel free to hop on anywhere along the route!
Note the updated stop times!
Penguin Park (8:30am)
72 Maple Ave (8:32am)
Gazebo @ The Park (8:35am)
Have Any Questions?
Need any help getting setup to bike with your child? Reach out! We have spare kids seats and tow-behind trailers we can lend out while you get sorted, and are also happy to provide recommendations for bikes/seats/trailers.
Click the "G" logo at the bottom
Select "Join a Tag"
Type "shedbikebus" and hit "Join Tag"
This is an unofficial event, not affiliated with the Town of Andover. All riders assume individual responsibility and ride at their own risk.